Course Details

Negotiating a Joint Venture in China

Through a simulation-oriented course, we will engage in a review of China’s recent economic history, as well as foreign direct investment law, all the while utilizing negotiating strategies and tactics that a savvy corporate attorney can employ. These various knowledge sets will culminate into a joint venture negotiation spanning several sessions, as each participant takes on the role of either a Chinese investor or a US investor in order to negotiating the terms of a China-based commercial venture and, ultimately, report back to their respective board of directors on their respective successes. In addition to the negotiation exercises, the course requires a brief, quality-driven paper on a contemporary topic relating to China.

Catalog Number: BUSCOM 738

Additional Course Information: Experiential Learning

Course History

Winter 2024
Title: Negotiating a Joint Venture in China
Faculty: Gounaris, Nestor Anthony
Section: 1     Credits: 2.0
Capacity: 25     Actual: 25

Winter 2023
Title: Negotiating a Joint Venture in China
Faculty: Gounaris, Nestor Anthony
Section: 1     Credits: 2.0
Capacity: 25     Actual: 25