Course Details

Historical Legacies: Race, Gender and Criminalization

This course will explore the way race has shaped gendered process of criminalization in the United States. Criminalization is a historically and geographically contingent process of constructing people as being worthy of punishment or denigration because of unlawful behavior or perceived dangerousness. Laws and policies surrounding immigration, child welfare, and family life—for women in particular—have also played central roles in processes of criminalization. This course will investigate historical intersections between race, gender, and processes of criminalization by focusing on two things: the law’s role in constructing the very meaning of race, gender, and criminality; and the experiences of women of color who have encountered laws and legal institutions. The format of the course will mirror a graduate student seminar.

Catalog Number: CRIM 606

Additional Course Information: Research Writing

Course History

Spring 2023
Title: Historical Legacies: Race, Gender and Criminalization
Faculty: Agyepong, Tera (courses | profile)
Section: 1     Credits: 3.0
Capacity: 20     Actual: 11