Mental Health and Wellness Resources for Diverse Students
Mental Health Provider Directories
Inclusive Therapists | Virtual directory of culturally competent and social justice-oriented therapists |
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Therapist Directory | Virtual directory of APIDA mental health providers |
Pride Counseling | Professional online counseling services for the LGBTQ+ community |
QTPoC Mental Health Practitioner Directory | Virtual directory of mental health practitioners across the country for queer and trans people of color, provided by the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network |
Latinx Therapy | Virtual directory of mental health providers for the Latinx community |
Melanin & Mental Health Directory | Virtual directory of culturally competent mental health clinicians for Black & Latinx/Hispanic communities |
Association of Black Psychologists Therapist Directory | Virtual directory of psychologists who are members of the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPSI) and operate a private practice or are employed as therapists |
Black Emotional And Mental Health (BEAM) Virtual Therapist Network | Virtual directory of Black mental health clinicians who provide virtual (i.e. telemedicine) services |
Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation Resource Directory | Virtual directory of mental health providers, programs and resource materials for the African-American community |
Black Mental Health Alliance | Virtual directory of culturally-competent and patient-centered licensed mental health professionals |
Therapy for Black Girls Directory | Virtual directory of culturally competent therapy providers for Black women and girls, searchable by location |
Therapy for Black Men Directory | Virtual directory of clinicians providing therapy for Black men |
Online Communities and Resources
Mental Health America (MHA): BIPOC and LGBTQ+ Data and Resources | Mental health statistics, general information, and resources for the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities |
The Safe Place | Free smartphone app focused on psychoeducation and self-care for minority mental health, geared towards the Black community |
Liberate | Free meditation app designed specifically for the BIPOC community and led by BIPOC teachers |
Therapy for Black Girls | Presenting mental health topics in a way that feels more accessible and relevant for Black women |
Sista Afya | A Chicago-based community mental wellness group that provides sliding-scale therapy, support groups, mental wellness education, and healing events for and by Black women. |
Project LETS | Race-specific resources and information for the Black/African-American, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Latinx/Hispanic, Alaska Native and Indigenous communities. |
Racial Trauma Guide | Virtual guide on coping with racial stressors and being an ally, developed by the EMPOWER (Engaging Minorities in Prevention Outreach Wellness Education & Research) Lab |
American Bar Association Mental Health Resources | Mental health information and resources for legal students and professionals |
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Identity and Cultural Dimensions | Mental health and mental health care information and resources for diverse communities |