Mental Health and Wellness Resources for Diverse Students

Mental Health Provider Directories

Inclusive Therapists Virtual directory of culturally competent and social justice-oriented therapists
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Therapist Directory Virtual directory of APIDA mental health providers
Pride Counseling Professional online counseling services for the LGBTQ+ community
QTPoC Mental Health Practitioner Directory Virtual directory of mental health practitioners across the country for queer and trans people of color, provided by the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network
Latinx Therapy Virtual directory of mental health providers for the Latinx community
Melanin & Mental Health Directory Virtual directory of culturally competent mental health clinicians for Black & Latinx/Hispanic communities
Association of Black Psychologists Therapist Directory Virtual directory of psychologists who are members of the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPSI) and operate a private practice or are employed as therapists
Black Emotional And Mental Health (BEAM) Virtual Therapist Network Virtual directory of Black mental health clinicians who provide virtual (i.e. telemedicine) services
Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation Resource Directory Virtual directory of mental health providers, programs and resource materials for the African-American community
Black Mental Health Alliance Virtual directory of culturally-competent and patient-centered licensed mental health professionals
Therapy for Black Girls Directory Virtual directory of culturally competent therapy providers for Black women and girls, searchable by location
Therapy for Black Men Directory Virtual directory of clinicians providing therapy for Black men


Online Communities and Resources

Mental Health America (MHA): BIPOC and LGBTQ+ Data and Resources Mental health statistics, general information, and resources for the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities
The Safe Place Free smartphone app focused on psychoeducation and self-care for minority mental health, geared towards the Black community
Liberate Free meditation app designed specifically for the BIPOC community and led by BIPOC teachers
Therapy for Black Girls Presenting mental health topics in a way that feels more accessible and relevant for Black women
Sista Afya A Chicago-based community mental wellness group that provides sliding-scale therapy, support groups, mental wellness education, and healing events for and by Black women.
Project LETS Race-specific resources and information for the Black/African-American, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Latinx/Hispanic, Alaska Native and Indigenous communities.
Racial Trauma Guide Virtual guide on coping with racial stressors and being an ally, developed by the EMPOWER (Engaging Minorities in Prevention Outreach Wellness Education & Research) Lab
American Bar Association Mental Health Resources Mental health information and resources for legal students and professionals
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Identity and Cultural Dimensions Mental health and mental health care information and resources for diverse communities