James E. Pfander
Owen L. Coon Professor of Law
(312) 503-1325
SSRN Author Page | Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
Jane Brock
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(312) 503-8544
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James E. Pfander has focused his teaching and research on the role of judicial systems in constitutional democracies. His latest book, Cases Without Controversies: Uncontested Adjudication in Article III Courts (Oxford U. Press 2021), explores the history of litigation in the courts of the United States, showing that Congress had the power to assign the federal courts cognizance of no-injury claims to register a claim of right under federal law. Building on that history, the book develops a new account of the meaning of Article III’s provision for the adjudication of “cases and controversies,” one that challenges the Supreme Court’s current thinking. A symposium on the blog, Balkinization, features reviews of the book from a range of scholars.
Selected Publications
- Standing, Litigable Interests, and Article III’s Case-or-Controversy Requirement, 65 Ucla Law Review 170 (2018).
- Standing to Sue: Lessons from Scotland's Actio Popularis, 66 Duke Law Journal 1493 (2017).
- A Declaratory Theory of State Accountability, 102 Virginia Law Review 153 (2016).
- Article III Judicial Power, the Adverse-Party Requirement, and Non-Contentious Jurisdiction, 124 Yale Law Journal , https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2424511 1346 (2015) (with Daniel D. Birk).
- The Anti-Injunction Act and the Problem of Federal-State Jurisdictional Overlap, 92 Texas Law Review 1-73 (2013) (with Nassim Nazemi).
- Article III and the Scottish Judiciary, 124 Harvard Law Review 1613-1687 (2011) (with Daniel D. Birk).
- BA, University of Missouri
- JD, University of Virginia
Prior Appointments
- Prentice H. Marshall Professor of Law, University of Illinois College of Law
- Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
- Visiting Professor of Law, Columbia Law School