About Us
Who We Are
Joshua Jack Jones, Bartlit Center for Trial Advocacy Director
Josh Jones joined the law school in 2022. Prior to his appointment, he worked in the leadership of a state and federal public defender office. He has represented individuals charged with offenses ranging from illegal reentry to first degree murder to securities fraud. Josh also has several years of experience in complex civil litigation. In addition to his trial level experience, he has substantial criminal appellate experience in the federal courts, including litigation before the U.S. Supreme Court. Throughout his career, he has coached and taught trial advocacy.
Steven Lubet, Edna B. and Ednyfed H. Williams Memorial Professor of Law Emeritus, Bartlit Center for Trial Advocacy Emeritus Director
Steven Lubet brings years of legal services and clinical law experience to his role as former director of the award-winning Bartlit Center for Trial Advocacy. The unifying theme of the Center is advocacy education, and Lubet wants "people to come out of law school and say, 'I've entered a noble profession and I really want to make a contribution." He asserts that "people can do that in many ways, either in private practice or public interest work."