Social Media Guidelines

Social media is an excellent tool for publicizing your work, expanding your professional network, and building the reputation of Northwestern Pritzker Law. Faculty, students, and staff should utilize social media with the understanding that we are all #NLawProud ambassadors and follow these guidelines when discussing Law School-related topics or identifying yourself as a Northwestern Pritzker Law constituent. 

  1. University Policies
    All social media content and accounts are subject to University policies. If you are a student, the Northwestern Pritzker Law Honor Code applies. Review the Law School's brand standards to maintain consistent voice and tone. Respectful, meaningful engagement on social media is encouraged. 

  2. Disclosure and Transparency
    It’s required by law that you identify yourself as a faculty member / employee when you discuss University-related matters on social media. In the U.S., the FTC requires the identification to occur in the relevant post. Adding “All opinions expressed are my own,” to your bio is a helpful clarification.

  3. Copyright and Fair Use Laws
    Respect laws governing copyright and fair use of copyrighted material. Link back to others’ work and attribute work to the creator. Review relevant copyright and fair use  information at Northwestern University’s Copyright Basics

  4. Privacy
    Avoid sharing anything confidential, including private information about community members, private communications, financial disclosures, research and development news, upcoming projects, or other sensitive matters. Please avoid using social media to discuss internal Law School matters.
  5. Inclusivity and Harassment
    Northwestern Pritzker Law welcomes, respects, and honors diversity in customs, values, and point of view and does not tolerate any form of online harassment. Observe the professional norms of the Law School in social media behavior. Use inclusive pronouns, avoid gender or race-specific emojis, provide descriptive captions for images, and be thoughtful about representation. 

If you have questions about social media, please email Follow our official Northwestern Law social media accounts for inspiration and connection.