Topics Applicable to Active Bid Rounds

If you can't find the info you're searching for, please contact the Law Registrar for help.

Q: A registration hold was just placed on my account.  Will that affect bidding?
A: This will not prevent bidding, but it will prevent your bids from turning into enrollment, and you will lose your bids results and points.  Please resolve your hold(s) as soon as possible.

Q: Can I ask the professor to increase the class size?
A: No. Enrollment caps are non-negotiable and can’t be increased (or decreased).

Q: I know that Experiential Learning and Research Writing are required to graduate. How do I determine which courses meet these requirements? How do I search for them?
A: You can search the schedule to find classes with specific attributes (Experiential Learning, Research Writing, etc.). This slide deck explains how to search for classes.

Q: This class met a graduation requirement in a prior term, so it will again this term, right?
A: Not necessarily.  Faculty may change their pedagogical approaches and update their course content, so a course may meet a requriement in one term, but not in the next.  Be sure to double check the current schedule in CAESAR to confirm which tags are applied to the current offer.

Q: I'm happy with my bid results.  Do I need to do anything else?
A: No, you do not need to confirm your results or do anything else.  All of your GOOD results will become enrollment, and your SIZE results will become waitlist positions, automatically when we push bids to enrollment at the conclusion of bidding. 

Q: I have a GOOD bid result. Should I click the Cancel button?
A: Clicking the CANCEL button will cancel your bid and forfeit your seat in the class (or place on the waitlist). Do not click Cancel unless you want out of the class. We cannot guarantee you’ll be able to recover your seat if you accidentally click Cancel, so you’ll want to be really, really certain you intend to give up your seat before clicking Cancel.

Q: I have questions about Waitlists?
A: We have several FAQs concerning Waitlists posted on the post-bidding FAQs.

Q: If I participate in Round 2, will my Round 2 bids affect/change my Round 1 results?
A: No, each bidding round is separate and discrete, so a Round 2 bid will not affect or override bids
from Round 1. Here are two examples to further explain:

  1. If a student bids 100 points in Round 1 for a class that meets Monday at 9am and receives a GOOD
    bid, then bids 200 points in Round 2 for a different class that meets Monday at 9am, the Round 2 bid will be denied for TIME even though more points were bid. The Round 1 bid would need to be cancelled to have a chance at getting into the 2nd class through Round 2 bidding.
  2. Denied bids are permanently denied.  If you have a bid denied in Round 1 and you are still interested in the class, you must resolve the conflict and place a new bid during Round 2.  For example: 
    • If a bid was denied for CRED/TIME/SEC and you wish to try again:
      1. Cancel the GOOD bid for the class(es) that caused the conflict.
      2. Place a new bid in Round 2.