Course Details

The Strategy of Litigation

Alan Salpeter (Arnold & Porter) (50 years of litigation experience), teaches class for students interested in commercial litigation. Course is practical discussion of picking a theme; discovery strategies; managing risks and troublesome litigation situations; negotiating settlements; being effective with clients. Guests include federal judges, experts, jury consultant, general counsel and mediator. Format is interactive; 25 students. Evaluation: take-home exam + attendance + participation.

Catalog Number: LITARB 612
Practice Areas: Civil Lit. and Dispute ResolutionLegal Skills Development

Course History

Fall 2023
Title: The Strategy of Litigation
Faculty: Salpeter, Alan N.
Section: 1     Credits: 2.0
Capacity: 25     Actual: 25

Fall 2022
Title: The Strategy of Litigation
Faculty: Salpeter, Alan N.
Section: 1     Credits: 2.0
Capacity: 25     Actual: 25