Course Details

The Business & Law of Venture Deals

The class will focus on venture capital and typical topics that a venture-backed start-up faces in organizing the company, getting funded and providing liquidity to its investors. It will offer an overview of venture financing from the perspective of the entrepreneur and investors and cover current legal topics that anyone working in the industry should understand as a business person or lawyer working with start-ups.

Catalog Number: BUSCOM 780

Additional Course Information: Class meets using University Calendar, Not a lottery course

Course History

Spring 2024
Title: The Business & Law of Venture Deals
Faculty: Wu, Michael
Alam, Omar
Section: SF     Credits: 2.0
Capacity: 28     Actual: 17

Spring 2023
Title: The Business & Law of Venture Deals
Faculty: Wu, Michael
Alam, Omar
Section: SF     Credits: 2.0
Capacity: 30     Actual: 17