Course Details
Health Law
This is a survey course intended to provide students with an overview of the structure, financing and regulation of the U.S. health care system. Specifically, in this course, we will learn to think of the health care system as a three-legged stool comprised of three elements: cost, quality and access. Further, we will consider how health care laws and regulations aimed at these elements (e.g., improving quality, reducing cost, and increasing access) impact the three primary stakeholders in the U.S. health care system: providers, consumers/patients, and payors.
Catalog Number: REGLAW 973-0
Additional Course Information:
MSL students only
Course History
Spring 2025
Title: Health Law
Faculty: Fry, Tim
Section: 1ON
Credits: 1.0
Capacity: 50 Actual: 11
Fall 2024
Title: Health Law
Faculty: Sanders, Sheva
Section: 1
Credits: 1.0
Capacity: 24 Actual: 0
Spring 2024
Title: Health Law
Faculty: McCormick, Drew Elizabeth
Kitchell, Sarah J
Section: 1ON
Credits: 1.5
Capacity: 50 Actual: 4
Spring 2023
Title: Health Law
Faculty: McCormick, Drew Elizabeth
Kitchell, Sarah J
Section: 1ON
Credits: 1.5
Capacity: 50 Actual: 11