Course Details

High-Tech Business Strategy

Strategy is the set of objectives, policies and resource commitments that collectively determine how a high-tech business positions itself to create wealth for its owners. This course introduces students to principles and conceptual frameworks for evaluating and formulating high-tech business strategy. Topics include the boundaries of the firm, the analysis of industry economics, strategic positioning and competitive advantage, and the role of resources and capabilities in shaping and sustaining competitive advantages.

Catalog Number: BUSCOM 431SF

Additional Course Information: Class meets using University Calendar, Not a lottery course

Course History

Spring 2024
Title: High-Tech Business Strategy
Faculty: Shuen, Amy Anne
Section: SF     Credits: 1.3
Capacity: 28     Actual: 13

Spring 2023
Title: High-Tech Business Strategy
Faculty: Shuen, Amy Anne
Section: SF     Credits: 1.3
Capacity: 30     Actual: 11