Course Details

Animal and Wildlife Law and Policy

This seminar addressing a range of issues affecting animals in several areas of law, including tort law, criminal law, constitutional law, and administrative law . The class covers household pets, animals used in research, farm animals, and wildlife. In addition, the seminar will cover food safety, biotechnology/genetic engineering of both plants and animals, and food labeling and marketing. Grading will be based on class participation and a final paper.

Catalog Number: CONPUB 664
Practice Areas: Criminal Law Practice AreaFamily Law Practice Area
Additional Course Information: Research Writing

Course History

Spring 2025
Title: Animal and Wildlife Law and Policy
Faculty: Dana, David A. (courses | profile)
Section: 1     Credits: 3.0
Capacity: 20     Actual: 20

Fall 2023
Title: Animal and Food Law and Policy Seminar
Faculty: Dana, David A. (courses | profile)
Section: 1     Credits: 3.0
Capacity: 20     Actual: 20

Spring 2023
Title: Animal Law
Faculty: Dana, David A. (courses | profile)
Section: 1     Credits: 3.0
Capacity: 70     Actual: 14