Student Opportunities
Connect with our diverse student body to raise your profile on campus and enhance recruiting. Go beyond OCI to form strategic partnerships and customize programs that enhance your recruiting efforts. Expand your reach Law School-wide or target specific student organizations and affinity groups. Sponsorship is an effective recruiting tool whether you're looking for 1L specific events, diversity focused programming, or opportunities aimed at particular topics or practice areas (transactional, litigation, pro bono, etc).
1L Recruiting
Summer Law Preparatory Program
This intensive one-week program takes place before law school begins and is designed to demystify the process-oriented aspects of law school learning. Get your firm name in front of our students as they walk on campus by sponsoring this orientation activity and help our students be prepared to hit the ground running when classes start in September.
Law 101: Exploring Practice Areas
September and October
Our two most popular career panels of the year. Law 101: Exploring Practice Areas presents two panels: Introduction to Litigation and Introduction to Transactional Law. Each panel covers a variety of topics-a typical day in the office, qualities every attorney should possess, the transition from associate to partner–and provides a great opportunity for attorneys to give our students a peek into life and work at their firm.
1L Networking Training Series: Mock Table Talk
Join us for our annual 1L networking reception and further connect with the first year class. Featuring a networking expert, this reception teaches and enhances our first year students' professional networking capabilities. After the networking presentation, your attorneys have the opportunity to meet our students and discuss their practice areas as our students practice their networking skills. Each year's program sells out and this year's promises to do the same as we only accept five firm sponsors. So get on board early!
Academic and Professional Excellence Workshop Series (APEx)
Throughout the Fall semester
APEx workshops are interactive lessons designed to meet students' academic needs, build core professional skills and demystify the process–oriented aspects of law-school learning. Show your commitment to scholastic professional development, increase your firm's name recognition and be part of this dynamic series of programs.
Fireside Chats: Alumni Speaker Series
Throughout the Fall and Spring semesters
Fireside Chats are an alumni speaker series designed to provide students with the opportunity to hear from motivating and inspirational alumni in a casual environment. Sponsorship of this program provides consistent exposure to the student body every month throughout the school year.
Take A Break: Exam Breaks
December and April
Get your name in front of every student at the Law School by sponsoring an exam break. During these breaks, students congregate to re–fuel with snacks and drinks, relax in a massage chair, and take a break from the stress of exams.
1L Networking Training Series: Mock Hospitality Suite
Advanced Networking teaches students how to go beyond the quick meet and greet, how to network in hospitality suites or over lunch, and how to follow-up with contacts in the future. The training is followed by a networking event of Mock OCI Hospitality Suites. Each suite is hosted by a sponsoring firm. Students rotate through the suites and have the opportunity to try their new networking skills and practice with hospitality suites prior to OCI.
Harry’s Café Monthly Cocktail Hour
Throughout the Fall and Spring semesters
Looking for an opportunity to host a networking event with the Northwestern Law student body? Meet our students, faculty, and staff and help us celebrate our newly constructed space by hosting our monthly cocktail hour in the redesigned Harry’s Café on campus. With a sleek contemporary design and outdoor patio (weather dependent) the new Harry’s Café provides a central gathering spot for the Northwestern Law community and the ideal networking location for our students and your attorneys.
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Diversity and Wellness Initiatives
Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers
Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers is part of Wellness Week, a week of Northwestern Law programming focusing on wellness and mental health for lawyers. Research shows that employee mental health matters not just for the well-being of the workforce but in terms of the bottom line (i.e., performance, turnover, and absenteeism). The Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers panel and other Northwestern Law wellness programs are designed to help students thrive in high pressure situations, to cultivate their emotional intelligence, and to provide tools to decrease stress and boost concentration both during law school and throughout their future careers.
Don't Go Broke!: Financial Literacy for Young Professionals
To help students face this difficult economy and begin their financial planning, this program presents a panel of young alumni, representing different legal career paths, to discuss their successful post-graduation financial management strategies. In addition, a financial planning professional will present a seminar on loan repayment strategies followed by one-on-one counseling sessions.
Martin Luther King Day Celebration/DREAM Committee
Emphasize your commitment to diversity and support our MLK Day celebration. Each January, Northwestern Law and the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine partner to organize a Martin Luther King Day Celebration. Past key speakers have included musician Stevie Wonder, author Angela Oh, and poet Bryonn Bain. This event is widely attended each year by members of the Northwestern University Chicago campus community.
Global Village
Join the biggest law school party of the year and highlight your interest in diversity! Global Village brings together approximately 800 students, staff, and faculty to enjoy a night of food, drink, music and entertainment. Set up as a cultural fair, over 30 tables represent different regions and countries and exhibit their unique culture and cuisine. The event is a collaborative effort between JD and LLM students, a majority of Northwestern Law student groups, and the international programs offices. Continue to showcase your commitment to diversity and sponsor Global Village.
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Student-Led Programming
Student Organizations
More than 40 student organizations are active on campus and have developed out of students' academic and recreational interests. Each organization hosts programming and events on topics relevant to the group and welcome firm and corporate sponsorship.
For information on how to get involved with a particular student organization contact the Office of External Partnerships. Find a list of current student groups.
Legal Journals
Second– and third–year law students are responsible for Northwestern's six scholarly legal journals, and members are selected on the basis of grade point average and performance in a writing competition. If you are interested in gaining access to these students, or if you want information on how to get involved with journal symposia, please contact the Office of External Partnerships.
Northwestern Law Review
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (JCLC)
Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business (JILB)
Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy (JLSP)
Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property (JTIP)
Journal of Human Rights (JHR)
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