Course Details

Colloquium: Advanced Topics in Taxation

This seminar that will bring together outside scholars, resident faculty, and Northwestern students for an exchange of views about cutting-edge research on tax policy, principally at the federal level. Every second week, a workshop will be held at which a leading scholar will present a paper growing out of his or her research on a tax topic or proposal that has policy implications. These workshops will be attended by members of the faculty of the School of Law, faculty from other schools and departments within and without Northwestern, and interested students. On weeks when there is no outside speaker, the seminar will meet to review the previous week's workshop and discuss the following week's paper. Students are required to write short critiques of each paper (which will be circulated before the first discussion of that paper). Students may choose to complete a longer paper, which may grow out of the shorter papers, appropriate for either the one draft or three draft writing requirement. Evaluation Method: Research paper and participation. Course materials: No textbook. Presented papers only. Prerequisites: No prerequisites for Tax LL.M. students. Business Entities Tax is desirable but not required for J.D. students. Not open to second year JD students who are not enrolled in the Joint Degree Program without the permission of the instructor. Basic Federal Income Tax is a pre-requisite for JD candidates.

Catalog Number: TAXLAW 690
Practice Areas: Taxation Practice Area
Additional Course Information: Tax Program Course

Course History

Spring 2024
Title: Colloquium: Advanced Topics in Taxation
Faculty: Glogower, Ari (courses | profile)
Section: 1     Credits: 2.0
Capacity: 15     Actual: 13

Spring 2023
Title: Colloquium: Advanced Topics in Taxation
Faculty: Polsky, Gregg Douglas
Section: 1     Credits: 2.0
Capacity: 15     Actual: 8