Carolyn E. Frazier
Clinical Professor of Law

Carolyn Frazier has been a Clinical Assistant Professor of Law and staff attorney with the Children and Family Justice Center (CFJC) since 2004. A juvenile defense trial attorney, Carolyn primarily represents youth in delinquency proceedings on charges ranging from misdemeanors to first-degree murder, as well as transfer proceedings. Her additional areas of practice include post-conviction work and litigation regarding the collateral consequences of a conviction (e.g. criminal records expungement and removal of juveniles from the IL state sex offender registry.) Carolyn supervises second- and third-year law students on all of her cases through her clinical seminar in juvenile justice.
Areas of Expertise
- Clinical Teaching
- Juvenile Justice
Selected Publications
- Victims and Villains in Murder by Abortion Cases from Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Chicago, 124 Triquarterly 63-78 (2006) (with Dorothy Roberts).
Prior Appointments
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Law, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
- Clinical Associate Professor of Law, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law