Ezra Friedman
Professor of Law
(312) 503-0230
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
Shona Bonds
Assistant Phone
(312) 503-4852
Assistant Email
Ezra Friedman received a BA in economics from Haverford College, a JD from Yale Law School, and a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prior to joining Northwestern Pritzker Law, Friedman served as a visiting lecturer at Yale University and a staff economist at the Federal Trade Commission.
Selected Publications
- A New Angle on Rules versus Standards, 16 American Law and Economics Review 499-549 (Fall 2014) (with Abraham Wickelgren).
- Competition and Unconscionability.
- An Economic Analysis of Fact Witness Payment (with Eugene Kontorovich).
- Competition Policy and Financial Distress.
- Chilling, Settlement, and the Accuracy of the Legal System , 26 Journal of Law, Economics And Organization (Spring 2010) (with Abraham Wickelgren).
- No Free Lunch: How Settlement Can Reduce the Legal System’s Ability to Induce Efficient Behavior , 61 Smu Law Review 1355-1376 (2008).
- Bayesian Juries and the Limits to Deterrence , 22 Journal of Law, Economics And Organization 70-86 (April 2006) (with Abraham Wickelgren).
- Adverse Selection as a Barrier to Entry in the Banking Industry, 30 Rand Journal of Economics 515-534 (Autumn 1999) (with Giovanni Dell’Ariccia and Robert Marquez).
- BA, Haverford College
- PhD in Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- JD, Yale Law School
Prior Appointments
- Associate Dean of Curriculum, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
- Benjamin Mazur Summer Research Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law
- Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law
- Associate Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law
- Assistant Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law
- Visiting Lecturer in Law, Jan 2006-June 2006, Yale Law School
- Visiting Lecturer, Sept 2002-June 2006, Yale University
- Staff Economist, Oct. 1999-July 2002, Federal Trade Commission