Leonard S. Rubinowitz
Professor of Law

(312) 503-8381
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
Related Links
Institute for Policy Research
| Center for Legal Studies
Lisa Weiner
Assistant Phone
(312) 503-8340
Assistant Email
Areas of Expertise
- Law and Social Science
- Public Housing
- Local Government
- Constitutional Law
- Civil Rights
- Criminal Law
- Land Use Planning
Selected Publications
- Crossing the Class and Color Lines: From Public Housing to White Suburbia (University of Chicago Press 2000) (with James E. Rosenbaum).
- The entry for Earl Burrus Dickerson, in Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law 162-163, edited by Roger K. Newman (Yale University Press 2009) (with Marcus Shepard ).
- Non-Violent Direct Action and the Legislative Process: The Chicago Freedom Movement and the Federal Fair Housing Act , 41 Indiana Law Review 663-715 (2008) (with Kathryn Shelton ).
- Race and Gender in the Law Review, 100 Northwestern University Law Review 27-70 (2006) (with Cynthia Grant Bowman, and Dorothy Roberts).
- Social Movements and Social-Change Litigation: Synergy in the Montgomery Bus Protest, 30 Law & Social Inquiry 663 (2005) (with Christopher Coleman, and Laurence D. Nee).
- A Missing Piece: Fair Housing and the Civil Rights Act, 48 Howard Law Journal 841-911 (2005) (with Ismail Alsheik).
- BA with honors, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- LLB, Yale University
Prior Appointments
- Harry B. Reese Teaching Professor, 1993-1994, Northwestern University School of Law
- Research Faculty, 1980-1992, Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research
- Associate Professor of Law and Urban Affairs, 1975-1980, Northwestern University School of Law
- Research Associate, 1972-1975, Center for Urban Affairs
- Special Assistant to the Regional Administrator, 1968-1972, Attorney in the Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development