Thomas F. Geraghty
Class of 1967 James B. Haddad Professor of Law Emeritus

(312) 503-8574
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
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Bluhm Legal Clinic
Thomas Geraghty is the Class of 1967 James B. Haddad Professor of Law, and formerly the Associate Dean for Clinical Legal Education and Director of the Bluhm Legal Clinic at the Northwestern University Prtizker School of Law. The Bluhm Legal Clinic houses 35 clinical faculty members and enrolls 170 students each year in its various programs. In addition to teaching, fund-raising, and administrative responsibilities, Thomas Geraghty maintains an active caseload at the Bluhm Legal Clinic, concentrating primarily in criminal and juvenile defense, death penalty appeals, child-centered projects dealing with the representation of children and juvenile court reform.
Areas of Expertise
- Clinical Teaching
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure
- Legal Ethics
- Trial Advocacy
- Juvenile Justice
- Negotiation
Selected Publications
- Illinois: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency Proceedings (Children and Family Justice Center, Bluhm Legal Clinic, Northwestern University School of Law and the National Juvenile Defender Center 2007) (with Bernardine Dohrn, Cathryn Crawford, Marjorie B. Moss, and Patricia Puritz ).
- In Re Pena: Representing Children and Families in Juvenile Court, Problems and Case File (National Institute for Trial Advocacy 2003) (with Diane Geraghty, and Angela C. Vigil).
- Exercises and Problems in Professional Responsibility, 2nd ed. (NITA 2001) (with Steven Lubet, and Robert P. Burns).
- Access to Justice and Legal Education: Challenges and Suggestions, in A Human Right To Legal Aid, edited by Paul Dalton and Hatla Thelle (Danish Institute for Human Rights 2010).
- Assessing Children’s Competence to Stand Trial and to Waive Miranda Rights , in Mental Health Needs of Young Offenders, edited by Carol L. Kessler and Louis James Kraus (Cambridge University Press 2007) (with Dr. Louis Kraus, and Dr. Peter Fink).
- Access to Justice: Challenges, Models, and the Participation of Non-Lawyers in Justice Delivery , in Access To Justice In Africa And Beyond: Making The Rule of Law A Reality (Penal Reform International and the Bluhm Legal Clinic of the Northwestern University School of Law 2007) (with et al.).
- AB cum laude, Harvard University
- JD, Northwestern University
Prior Appointments
- Class of 1967 James B. Haddad Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law
- Associate Dean of Clinical Education, Northwestern University School of Law
- Director, Bluhm Legal Clinic, Northwestern University School of Law
- Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law
- Associate Dean for Clinical Education, 1981-present, Northwestern University School of Law
- Professor of Law, 1979-present, Northwestern University School of Law
- Director, Bluhm Legal Clinic, 1976-present, Northwestern University School of Law
- Perkins-Bauer Teaching Professor of Law, 1991-1992, Northwestern University School of Law
- Associate Professor of Law, 1976-1979, Northwestern University School of Law
- Co-Director, Bluhm Legal Clinic, 1973-1975, Northwestern University School of Law
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, 1973-1976, Northwestern University School of Law
- Staff Attorney, Bluhm Legal Clinic, 1970-1973, Northwestern University School of Law
- Reese Teaching Professor, 2001-2002, Northwestern University School of Law
Recent Consulting Activities
- Chair, Publications Committee, National Institute for Trial Advocacy
- Member, Board of Trustees, National Institute for Trial Advocacy
- The New Perimiter Project, DLA Piper Rudnick’s International Pro Bono Initiative