Julius Rosenthal Foundation Lecture Series
The Julius Rosenthal Foundation was established in 1919 in memory of Julius Rosenthal (1827-1905), an eminent and beloved member of the Chicago Bar. One of the principal programs supported by the foundation is the Rosenthal Lecture Series, which has assumed a preeminent position among distinguished lecture programs in the legal world. Publication of the lectures has made a notable contribution to legal literature and scholarship for more than 70 years.
Many distinguished academic and legal scholars have delivered Rosenthal lectures including Sir William Searle Holdsworth, Vinerian Professor of Law, Oxford University, who, in 1927, delivered the first lecture titled "Some Lessons from Our Legal History."
Speakers and lectures include, among others:
2019 Reva Siegel, Nicholas deB. Katzenbach Professor of Law at Yale Law School, "Reproductive Justice in the Age of Trump"
2017 Cass R. Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard Law School, "Divided States of America"
2015 Thomas W. Merrill, Charles Evans Hughes Professor of Law at Columbia University, and Henry E. Smith, Fessenden Professor of Law at Harvard University, "Property and Information"
2012 Pamela Samuelson, Richard M. Sherman Distinguished Professor of Law and Information, at University of California, Berkeley, "Copyright's Limits"
2011 Kim Lane Scheppele, Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs and the Director of the Program of Law and Public Affairs at Princeton University, "The International State of Emergency: Legacies of the Global War on Terror"
2010 Theodore Eisenberg and Sheri Lynn Johnson, Professors of Law at Cornell University, "Capital Punishment"
2008 (Fall) Lawrence Lessig Professor of Law at Stanford Law School, "Law and Technology"
2008 (Spring) Robert C. Post, David Boies Professor of Law, Yale University, "Knowledge and the First Amendment"
2007 Samuel Issacharoff, Bonnie and Richard Reiss Professor of Constitutional Law, New York University, and Pamela S. Karlan, Kenneth and Harle Montgomery Professor of Public Interest Law, Stanford, "Law of Democracy"
2006 John J. Donohue III, Leighton Homer Surbeck Professor of Law, Yale University "Landmines and Goldmines: Why it is Hard to Find Truth and Easy to Peddle Falsehood in Empirical Evaluation of Law and Public Policy"
2005 Michael Walzer, UPS Foundation Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, "The Paradox of National Liberation"
2004 Stephen L. Carter, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Yale University, "Inconvenient Lives: Just War Theory, Nationalism, and the Rhetoric of Killing"
2003 Danielle S. Allen, Associate Professor of Classical Languages and Literatures, Political Science, and the Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, "Talking to Strangers"
2002 Garry Wills, Adjunct Professor of History, Northwestern University, "President Jefferson and the Slave Power"
2001 Hilary Putnam, Cogan University Professor Emeritus, Harvard University, "The Collapse of the Fact-Value Dichotomy"
1998 Amartya Kumar Sen, Lamont University Professor Emeritus, Harvard University; master of Trinity College, University of Cambridge, "The Domain of Justice"
1986 Mary Ann Glendon, professor of law, Harvard University, "Abortion and Divorce in Western Law"
1971 Arthur J. Goldberg, former justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and former ambassador to the United Nations, "Equal Justice: The Warren Era of the Supreme Court"
1960 Rt. Hon. Lord Radcliff, Lord of Appeal in Ordinary of the United Kingdom, "The Law and Its Compass"
1948 Adlai E. Stevenson, United States delegate (1946-47), United Nations General Assembly, "International Relations and International Law"