Meet Our Students

JD-MBA Association / Student Life

Northwestern JD-MBA students have a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the communities at both Northwestern Pritzker School of Law and Kellogg School of Management. They can lead clubs, be elected to student government, attend trips organized at both schools, and join a journal at the Law School. In addition, all JD-MBA students are members of the JD-MBA Association, which exists to foster growth, success, and camaraderie among the JD-MBA student and alumni communities. The Association supports each student throughout their time in the program with academic, recruiting, and social programming. The Board of the Association partners closely with the administration of the law and business schools to ensure the JD-MBA program continues to flourish. Learn more about the JD-MBA Association.

Gene Kim
Gene Kim
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Jamilah Riddick
Jamilah Riddick
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Tara Robinson
Tara Robinson
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Gene Kim

Gene Kim

Hometown: Chino Hills, California

Previous work experience:

I spent half of my prior career working on political campaigns and on policy issues as a Congressional staffer in Washington, D.C., and the other half working as a public affairs consultant for Fortune 500 companies and small business clients in California.

Why did you decide to enroll in the JD-MBA program?

The Northwestern JD-MBA offers exceptional value on an efficient timeline, allowing you to earn two elite degrees in business and law in just three years while significantly expanding your skills, network, and future career opportunities.

Why Northwestern?

Northwestern was always my top choice because it was the first to offer a fully integrated and accelerated JD-MBA. Compared to similar programs, Northwestern provides a more seamless and supportive academic experience and connects you to a broader base of JD-MBA alumni excelling across a wide range of practice areas and industries.

What is your favorite thing about the program?

My favorite thing about the JD-MBA program is the people. There’s no such thing as a “cookie-cutter” JD-MBA student. Each class pulls together applicants from different industries, backgrounds, nationalities, and life stages. Every student carries a unique story and a unique vision for their own future, and can customize the program to fit their own goals. Being part of such a diverse and talented group is easily one of the greatest highlights of my experience at Northwestern.

Best piece of advice that a professor has given you?

The best advice that I received was to never be shy about reaching out to faculty members or alumni. As JD-MBAs, we have access to world-renowned faculty members at both the Kellogg School of Management and the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, as well as accomplished alumni from both schools. Every person that I have connected with through the JD-MBA network has been responsive and has gone out of their way to be helpful.

What are your plans for the future?

I will be combining my interest in technology, business, and law by joining a law firm in Palo Alto that works with several of the world’s largest tech companies.

What would you say to somebody who is considering enrolling in the JD-MBA program?

Know where you are and where you are going. This program isn’t for those who just want to collect some extra letters behind their name. Know the doors you’re trying to open and how the JD-MBA helps you do it.

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Jamilah Riddick

Jamilah Riddick

Hometown: Decatur, Georgia

Previous work experience:

I worked on the Legal Entity Reporting team of Goldman Sachs Bank USA in the greater New York area. I then transferred internally to the Tokyo, Japan office where I worked on the Japan Transfer Pricing team. Following these roles, I moved to BNP Paribas in the greater New York area where I was a manager on the Regulatory Reporting team.

Why did you choose Northwestern?

The JD-MBA program is one of the few accelerated programs in the country where you can complete both degrees in three years; both schools are top ranked in their respective fields; both programs offer extensive global experiential learning and social impact-based opportunities; and its location in a metropolitan city that I hadn’t experienced before.

What’s the best piece of advice a professor has given you?

Believe that you are good enough. As an African American woman navigating my first predominantly white institution, there is a learning curve when acclimating to law school and navigating the unique social and cultural climate. This advice carried me through my time in the program and became more pertinent as our nation experienced a racial awakening that highlighted the harmful ways black people are treated and viewed in society.

Do you have a favorite class?

My favorite class has been the Community Justice and Civil Rights Clinic. Throughout this clinic I have had the opportunity to work on social justice issues disproportionately impacting Black communities in Chicago. A goal of mine in attending graduate school was to find opportunities that I found meaningful and fulfilling. Not only has the clinic given me the opportunity to engage in fulfilling work, but it is also helping me put my legal skills into practice and make a meaningful impact in the lives of the clinic’s clients.

What is your favorite thing about the program?

My favorite experience has been co-leading the Black Management Association at Kellogg where I’ve had the opportunity to grow as a leader while giving back to an organization that is important to me.

What would you say to somebody who is considering enrolling in the JD-MBA program?

Be clear on your motivations for wanting to attend graduate school and what goals you hope to achieve by enrolling in a JD-MBA program. Find a school that meets your core requirements. That could include things such as geographical location, employment statistics, career support, social culture, and affordability.

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Tara Robinson

Tara Robinson

Hometown: Pacific Palisades, California

Previous work experience:

I worked in investment banking for a year and then worked in portfolio analytics at Oaktree Capital, an alternative asset management firm.

Why did you decide to enroll in the JD-MBA program?

I was leaning more towards the business side, but I saw firsthand in my finance career how important a legal understanding is. Having the JD gives you a much deeper comprehension of transactions and businesses in general. I also wanted to challenge myself.

Why Northwestern?

I chose Northwestern because both schools, Kellogg and Pritzker, are known for their collaborative and inclusive cultures. It can be hard to find a business school or a law school that feels like a fit, so being able to find both at Northwestern made this program an easy choice.

What is your favorite thing about the program?

The people. Going through this program with a tight-knit cohort that feels like family has been the greatest thing about this program.

How have the JD-MBA faculty cultivated your learning experience?

The JD-MBA faculty do a great job of highlighting the intersections of law and business. As you move through the program, you begin to see the threads come together yourself, but I think the faculty do a great job of building the foundation for you.

Best piece of advice that a professor has given you?

If the choice is between an extra hour of studying and an extra hour of sleep, take the extra hour of sleep.

How has this experience, so far, helped in steering your career path? What do you see yourself doing in the near future?

This program has allowed me to test and reflect on my strengths and weaknesses. You get to explore so many different disciplines, and that has really helped me understand what I am most passionate about. In the near future, I see myself returning to finance.

What would you say to somebody who is considering enrolling in the JD-MBA program?

The value of the program is almost immeasurable. The knowledge and skills you gain will be highly applicable in law or business, but more important is the value of the relationships you will build within your JD-MBA family and across both the Law School and Kellogg.

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