

The Tax Program curriculum at Northwestern Pritzker Law gives students both a solid foundation in the four principal areas of tax law—Corporate Taxation, Partnership Taxation, International Taxation, and the Taxation of Property Transactions—and the opportunity to pursue particular areas of interest. To earn the LLM Tax degree, students must complete 24 credits of required and elective courses.

Course & Credit Summary:
Required Courses: 6 (12 credits)
Elective Courses: 6 (12 credits)
Total Minimum Courses: 12 (24 credits)

Required Courses

Students must take six required courses (12 credits). During the fall semester, students take four courses in the principal areas of tax law: Taxation of Property Transactions, Corporate Taxation, Partnership Taxation, and International Taxation. In the spring semester, students build upon those core courses by taking two advanced required courses: Advanced Taxation of Property, and Advanced Partnership Taxation. In addition, two of the elective courses (described below) must be chosen from among a slate of advanced corporate taxation and advanced international taxation courses. View required courses.

Elective Courses

Beyond the required courses, students must take six elective courses (12 credits). Of the six elective courses, one must be chosen from a slate of courses designated as satisfying the Advanced Corporate Taxation requirement, and a second course must be chosen from a slate of courses designated as meeting the Advanced International Taxation requirement.  Students may select the remaining four elective courses (eight credits) from among the over 26 different tax electives offered. Many students choose to enroll in courses covering a variety of subject areas; however, students have the option to choose specific elective courses that reflect their specialized interest in a particular area of taxation. View elective courses.

  • Students can earn a certificate in Corporate Tax, International Tax, Tax Controversy, or Wealth Transfer and Legacy Planning by taking certain required and elective courses. Visit Certificate Programs for more information. 

Practice Ready Seminars

During the fall and spring semesters, full-time and joint-degree students can elect to participate in our practice ready semesters - Tax Research and Excel Modeling Seminar. Each seminar is comprised of five sessions covering the various sources of tax authority with which all tax practitioners must be familiar and the availability and utilization of excel modeling in the practice of tax law. The successful completion of these seminars will be reflected on a student's transcript.

Related Links

Fall Course Schedule (pdf)
Spring Course Schedule (pdf)