Eighth Junior Faculty Forum for Law and STEM

September 26-27, 2025

The Northwestern, Penn, and Stanford Law Schools are pleased to announce that the Eighth Junior Faculty Forum will be held at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law in Chicago on September 26-27, 2025. The Forum is dedicated to interdisciplinary scholarship focusing on the intersection of Law and Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics (STEM). Previous forums have been held on a rotating basis at both Penn and Stanford.


To be eligible, authors must be teaching at a U.S. school of higher education in a tenure or tenure-track position or as a Visiting Assistant Professor or Fellow and must have received their first tenure-track appointment no more than seven years before the conference. Authors in tenure and tenure-track positions will be given priority. American citizens or permanent residents teaching abroad are also eligible to submit, provided that they have held a faculty position or the equivalent, including positions comparable to junior faculty positions in research institutions, for less than seven years, and that they earned their last degree after 2015.  We accept jointly authored submissions so long as the presenting coauthor is individually eligible to participate in the Forum and none of the other coauthors has taught in a tenured or tenure-track position for more than seven years. Papers that will be published prior to the meeting are not eligible. Authors may submit only one paper.

Additional conference details forthcoming. 

Call for Papers

A call for papers will be posted in the spring.

Conference Organizers

David Schwartz, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
Mark Lemley, Stanford Law School 
Christopher Yoo, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School


Questions about the conference should be directed to Professor David Schwartz david.schwartz@law.northwestern.edu.