2021-2022 Award Winners

Each year Northwestern Pritzker Law awards a variety of student awards and prizes including writing prizes, academic grade-based prizes, and community awards. Congratulations to the recipients.

Student Graduation Awards

It is a beloved graduation tradition for the graduating class to nominate and vote on the winners of the annual Student Awards, which recognize students for a range of accomplishments.

Courage Award

Awarded to the student who has shown the greatest courage in surmounting obstacles to completing his or her education

Olga Cosme Toledo

Global Legal Profession Award

Awarded to the LLM student who has most exemplified standards of professionalism and has made the greatest contribution to the global legal profession

Vinicius Hercos da Cunha

Leadership Award

Awarded to the student who has made the greatest contribution to leadership in the student community

Varun Lella

Legal Profession Award

Awarded to the student who has made the greatest contribution to professional responsibility and to the practice of law

Marissa Jackson

Service Award

Awarded to the student who has shown the greatest dedication and commitment to public service and the practice of law

Rodrigo Anzures-Oyorzabal

Victor Rosenblum Award

Awarded to the LLM student who has done the most to uphold the traditions of the Law School

Laura Camila Grisales Pena

Wigmore Key

Awarded to the student who has done the most to uphold the traditions of the Law School

Grace Herndon

(on behalf of all the members of the Class of 2022 Graduation Committee)

Academic Prizes

Northwestern Pritzker Entrepreneurship Prize

Awarded to a second- or third-year law student who most exemplifies Northwestern Pritzker Law’s spirit of innovation, entrepreneurial drive, and integrity

Michelle Hunt (JD '22)

Fall 2021

Blair Matthews (JD '22)

Spring 2022

John Paul Stevens Prize for Academic Excellence

Awarded annually to the law student who graduates with the highest GPA in their class

Victor Hiltner (JD '22)

Rivers Casino Criminal Justice Award

Awarded to a law student who has demonstrated exemplary work in the Bluhm Legal Clinic through the representation of underserved individuals

Elisabeth Logan (JD '22)

The David S. Ruder Prize

Awarded to a student who intends to work in the public interest post-graduation, or after a judicial clerkship, and has logged the highest number of public service hours at the finish of their 2L year

Clarissa Galaviz Lizarraga (JD' 23)

Raoul Berger Prize

Awarded annually to the law student who submits the best paper in the Senior Research Program

Rex Alley (JD' 22)

for his paper "Roads Not Taken: Institutional Litigation under the Federal Tort Claims Act"

Leigh B. Bienen Prize

Awarded to the student who has written the best note or comment that has been selected for publication in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

Jordan Martin (JD ’22)

for her paper "Breonna Taylor: Transforming a Hashtag into Defunding the Police"

Charles Cheney Hyde Prize

Awarded biennially to the law student who writes the best paper related to public international law

Jordan Krieger (JD' 23)

for his paper entitled "Section 338: A Powerful Relic of the Tariff Act of 1930 and Its Potential Constraints"

Kirkland & Ellis Scholars

The Kirkland & Ellis Scholars program was established in 2012 through the generosity of alumni and friends at Kirkland & Ellis LLP. The annual awards recognize the excellence of the top student in each section of the first-year substantive required classes. The program also extends to the highest achieving 2Ls in certain upper-level courses, including M&A, Securities and Non-ITA Evidence.

Fall 2021

Andrew Feinstein (JD-MBA ’24)

Civil Procedure

Abhishek Jai Dalal (JD ’24)

Civil Procedure

Alexandra Bryski (JD ’24)

Civil Procedure

Mary Zakowski (JD ’24)

Civil Procedure

Ryan O'Sullivan (JD ’24)


Elijah Gelman (JD ’24)


Abraham Kohn (JD ’24)


Yeju Hwang (JD ’24)


Jonathan DeVries (JD-MBA ’24)

Criminal Law

Zachary Barron (JD-MBA ’24)

Criminal Law

Raffaele Triggiano (JD ’24)

Criminal Law

Jared Rhiner (JD ’23)


Marian Woznica (JD ’23)


Anthony Khilkov (JD ’23)

Mergers & Acquisitions

David Kruger (JD ’23)

Private Equity

Ryan O'Sullivan (JD ’24)


Abigail Kuchnir (JD ’24)


Michael Beirne (JD ’23)

Securities Regulation

Duncan Ranslem (JD ’24)


Rachel O'Sullivan (JD-PhD ’24)


Abigail Kuchnir (JD ’24)


Spring 2022

Kathleen Naccarato (JD ’24)

Constitutional Law

Vrinda Agarwal (JD ’24)

Constitutional Law

Raffaele Triggiano (JD ’24)

Constitutional Law

Amra Saric (JD-MBA ’24)

Constitutional Law

Arianna Hall (JD ’24)

Criminal Law

Anthony Khilkov (JD ’23)


Caleb Linton (JD ’23)


Jack Baumruk (JD ’23)

Mergers & Acquisitions

Joel Forsstrom (JD ’24)


Leo Jaehyun Soh (JD ’24)


Alice Preminger (JD ’23)

Securities Regulation

Andres Fonseca Jr. (JD ’24)


Lowden-Wigmore Prizes

The Lowden-Wigmore Prizes were established by the Frank O. Lowden (Class of 1887) in honor of his relationship with Dean John Henry Wigmore. The prizes are awarded annually to members of the student body for their ability to marshal authority, present arguments effectively in written form, and speak lucidly and convincingly in public. These awards go to students for the best written contributions to each of the Law School's legal journals as well as the final round Moot Court participants.

Journal Prizes

Cate Baskin (JD '22)

"Empowering Women’s Land Rights as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy in Nigeria"
Journal of Human Rights

Alvaro Cure Dominguez (JD '22)

"Maximizing Social Welfare Through the Tailoring of Patent Duration and Using Algorithms to Calculate Optimal Duration"
Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property

Amanda Gvozden (JD '22)

"Fetal Protection Laws and the “Personhood” Problem: Toward a Relational Theory of Fetal Life and Reproductive Responsibility"
(second place contribution to JCLC)
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 

Wafa Junaid (JD '22)

"Forced Prison Labor: Punishment for a Crime?"
Northwestern University Law Review

Kara Kurland (JD '22)

"With Unanimity and Justice for All: The Case for Retroactive Application of the Unanimous Jury Verdict Requirement"
Journal of Law and Social Policy

Kristi Lew (JD '22)

"This Must Be Our Place: Protectionism and Foreign Investment in Kazakhstan's Farmland"
Journal of International Law and Business

Moot Court Prizes

Lowden-Wigmore Prize for Julius H. Miner Moot Court Finalists

Elizabeth Charles (JD ’23)
Jackie O’Brien (JD ’23)
Danny Damitio (JD ’23)
Clara Petch (JD ’23)

International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award for Outstanding Speaker

Danny Damitio (JD ’23)

William Jennings Bryan Award for Julius H. Miner Moot Court Winner

Elizabeth Charles (JD ’23)
Jackie O’Brien (JD ’23)

Adlai E. Stevenson II Best Brief Award

Hannah Friedle (JD ’23)
Maggie Jokinen (JD ’23)

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